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What is Click ARM?

It is a modular platform based on ARM (Advance Removable Modules) technology which permits the creation of "tailor-made" devices, in other words, with characteristics determined by the user, who can add or remove both the modules created for the platform and standard mini pci express modules.

Is Click ARM a development board? 

No, Click ARM is a product for the industrial, professional and finally the consumer market. 

In what temperature ranges can Click ARM work?

Maximum -10º to 115º contemplating a loss of 1 byte at both extremes for each 8-byte channel. Click ARM incorporates an autolock system and automatic shutdown in the event of exceeding this temperature.  It is advisable not to exceed 90º for more than 96 hours to ensure the integrity of the connectors. 

To what extent is Click ARM modular?

Click ARM is totally modular. To understand this, it is important to know its structure which is as follows: 

The motherboard which allows easy connection of:

1.- Click ARM Core comprising a Processor, RAM Memory and Power Microcontroller.

2.- Modules belonging to Click ARM designed, developed and manufactured by imasD. Contain distinct types of peripherals such as: memory storage, WiFi, Bt, 3g/4g etc.  Its own modules may be single, double and triple. The single module is positioned in one sole Click ARM socket, for example a 64gb memory. The double module is positioned in two sockets and the third in three.

3. - In addition to its own modules, Click ARM makes it possible, through mini pci express connectors, to include, any technology existing in the market that is compatible with this standard. Click ARM also has two standard mini pci express single form-factor usb connectors, somewhat larger than the previous, and which give the device versatility.

So... what can I insert into a Click ARM socket?

The Click ARM socket is designed for its own modules. In the socket you can only insert Click ARM modules.

And what can I put in the mini pci express sockets?

All the modules that exist in the market compatible with the standard mini pci express. The only thing you must bear in mind is the compatibility with the OS that you use. 

Can you remove and add modules?

In the majority of Click ARM modules their controllers do not form part of the Kernel, therefore their Drivers can be installed after it has been loaded, in the HAL layer of controllers. This gives us absolute flexibility when adding and removing modules without formatting.

Can I change my Core without changing the other components?

Yes The Cores are developed to be able to connect and make maximum use of the peripherals, giving you greater speed and processing capacity. 

In the event of adding a new soC, will my motherboard be compatible?

Obviously both the modules and the peripherals will be 100% compatible.

Can I install and uninstall OSs without problems?

You can add and remove Operating Systems without problems.  What is more, Click ARM allows you to have modules with different systems in a memory chip and be able to remove and add a chip to start up with one OS or another.  

What operating systems can I choose from?

Our aim is that you can install any Core Linux operating system (Android, Ubuntu, Tizen, Madext). This is why we work with open source communities.

Why can I buy it with box, without motherboard, in Tablet format?

It is a modular system, so you can buy the modules that interest you, without commitment.  You can acquire a Tablet format or develop your own carcass with a 3D printer. You can obtain it in box format or use it as an industrial device or tabletop computer. Its compatibility gives it with nearly infinite versatility. 

Can I buy pieces and then make it a Tablet?

Yes, of course. Tablet or many other things.

Is it made in Spain?

Yes Click ARM has been developed in Spain and is manufactured in Spain. 

Are the chips made in Spain?

No, each chip is the property of its manufacturer. However, a chip is not only another element in the production of Click ARM modules, modules that require a number of components such as connectors, motherboards, passive components, etc.    

So in the PCs it is usual to find standard expansion interfaces, such as ISA, PCI and derivatives.  In the case of ARM SoCs normally it is necessary to carry out a specific implementation of the devices, except for those that are "hardwired" to the USB bus. Therefore, they have to be capable of undertaking, at least, four complete designs with all the components, with the possibility of being able to eliminate them individually without anything "breaking" (seems easy, it is usual to create dependencies between components).

Click ARM sockets as well as their modules are designed so that these small problems do not arise. Although this specific development increases the production cost, it greatly enhances the flexibility of the device. We understand the Click ARM connectors to be like ISA or PCI ports of the PC motherboards.

How do we solve the problem of temperature?

With low consumption processors that heat less than the x86 However, you can acquire cooling systems developed by Click ARM Industrial Environment should the development so require. 

Supporting four SoCs with different combinations of components, in three different operating systems (Android, Ubuntu Touch and Tizen) is an enormous challenge. There are manufacturers (and I mean giants of the calibre of Samsung and Freescale) which, supporting only one of them, take years to offer a stack of stable software.  How are you going to do it?


As you will understand this is a "family secret". However, it is necessary to bear in mind that when companies develop for a non-modular product, they are very limited when it comes to development.,  In the modular factor, on the other hand, you can have the Kernel and then prepare a configurator for the HAL layer.  The secret of Click ARM is that it is based on connectivity simplicity.

Can I create a module for my Click ARM?

Yes You can make your own module using the mini pci express ports.

Can I commercialise my own module?

Yes, you can.  In addition, you can obtain the Click ARM certificate to expand its guarantee and support. 

Can I make my own Click ARM devices?

You can make your own devices and commercialise them.  We only provide the pcb Click ARM modules and core. You, with your own contribution, can make it different and sell it.  Furthermore you have mini-pci express ports based on  the standard, which gives you flexibility is implementing your modules.

I am a software developer and I need hardware.  Can I use Click ARM?

The modularity of Click ARM enables you to create your own device adding all your own contributions. You make it, you give it your brand name, you get a Click ARM user's licence and you commercialise it. However, on the bases of the product it must be clear that you are using Click ARM. 

I am a Maker.  What can I do with Click ARM?

With Click ARM you have a module 100% compatible with Arduino as well as documentation to be able to make your own modules. The limit, once again, is your imagination. There will also be a module that converts your Click ARM into an oscilloscope.



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